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John Villines, MS, CPP, PCI, PSP, ICPS, NCPS
John C. Villines, LLC
431 Amys Ford Trail
Cleveland, GA 30528
Tel: (770) 451-0000
E-mail: [email protected]
Web Site:

Expert Category: INVESTIGATION - General

Specialties: Nationally recognized expert in crime prevention and security management; 30+ years providing services to attorneys, businesses, government entities, and others. Education: Harvard (post-graduate work in Statistics, relevant in Daubert venues); MS in Security Management; BS in Urban Studies. Since 1979: Consultant, Author, Seminar Presenter and Expert Witness; Member and Chair, Georgia Board of Private Detective and Security Agencies; clients include government entities, Fortune 100 and multi-national corporations; areas include: Guard Services, Crime Foreseeability, Crime Prevention, Security Management, Shopping Center Security, Investigations, Policies and Procedures, Personal Safety, and Risk Assessment. Member: American Academy of Criminology; Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences; International Association of Crime Analysts; Justice Research Association; International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners; and Association of Threat Assessment Professionals. Degrees/licenses: Master of Science, Security Management; one of approximately 125 persons worldwide to possess all three board certifications offered by ASIS International; International Crime Prevention Specialist, International Society of Crime Prevention Practitioners; National Crime Prevention Specialist (Level II; Advanced Certification), National Crime Prevention Association. Board Certified Instructor for Security Personnel and Investigators; POST-certified Instructor for police. Please see CV for detailed information.

Degrees/Licenses: See Specialties.

Also listed under:

SECURITY-Premises Liability

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