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Jewitt & Associates, LLC
Fuels Technology and Technical Services
Carlton H. Jewitt
17572 Plumera Lane
Fort Myers, FL 33917
Tel: (239) 731-2124
Fax: (239) 731-2124
E-mail: [email protected]

Expert Category: LITIGATION SUPPORT - Petroleum Products

Specialties: Forty-plus year career in petroleum fuels technology and technical services. Managed Fuels Technical Services Group providing support throughout Ashland Petroleum Division to key operating groups including Supply and Distribution, Trucks and Terminals, Refinery Sales, Marine, Pipeline, Bulk Plants and retail operations of Ashland Petroleum and SuperAmerica. Conventional, reformulated and racing gasolines; diesel, aviation and renewable fuels; fuel oils. Past Ashland Petroleum representative to the Coordinating Research Council Oil/Auto Research Committee. Former Chairman of the ASTM Diesel Fuels Subcommittee. Chosen to lead the State of Minnesota-Renewable Fuels Association effort to implement legislation requiring motor gasolines to be blended with twenty volume percent ethanol. Developed, organized and managed the E20 Fuel Research Program required of federal regulations for US EPA fuel waiver and registration.

Degrees/Licenses: Bachelor of Science, Chemistry; Member ASTM and SAE Fuels Technical Committees.

Also listed under:

PRODUCT LIABILITY-Petroleum Products

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