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Plastic Technologies, Inc.
Thomas E. Brady, PhD
Chairman & Founder
1440 Timberwolf Drive
PO Box 964
Holland, OH 43528-0964
Tel: (419) 867-5400
or (419) 376-5041- Direct
Fax: (419) 867-7700
E-mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
Web Site:

Expert Category: ENGINEERING - Plastics

Specialties: Plastic packaging, containers, closures, processing, orientation, blow molding, injection molding, recycling, design, testing, failure analysis, plastic materials analysis, PET, PVC, PE, PP. Legal: patents, litigation, licensing, technology transfer, court experience. Business: 40 years experience, patents, publications, R&D, manufacturing, business development; small business start up, operations, customer service. Personal: VP of Technology at Fortune 100 Company, Founder and President of leading PET R&D company and world class recycling company, Entrepreneur of the Year 1989, Small Business Man of the Year 1996, Amer. Management Award 1995, SPI Hall of Fame 2012.

Degrees/Licenses: BS, MS Dartmouth; PhD Univ. of Michigan.

Also listed under:

PACKAGING-Plastic Containers

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