P.O. Box 270529
San Diego CA92198-0529
Phone: (800) 735-6660
Fax: (858) 487-7747

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Charles W. Clowdis
Logistics Cost Specialist
P.O. Box 237
Sewanee, TN 37375-0237
Tel: (704) 578-4066
Fax: (931) 924-7279
E-mail: [email protected]

Expert Category: TRANSPORTATION - Trucking

Specialties: Transportation issues including motor carrier, private fleet, third-party logistics providers, warehousing and distribution areas. Cost and operations analysis of modes including trucking, rail and air freight. American Trucking Association - Sales and Marketing Council Past Chairman and President; Experienced in Federal and State courts as expert opinion witness. All areas of supply chain, logistics operations. Executive Consultant to Ernst & Young LLP and KPMG. Editor and publisher of the annual North American Truck Load Rate INDEX. Experienced in providing expert witness testimony in State & Federal Courts.

Degrees/Licenses: AA, BC, BBA, CPC.

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