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Ebert & Associates, Inc.
Dr. James I. Ebert
Chief Scientist
1307 Rio Grande Blvd NW Suite 8
Albuquerque, NM 87104-2690
Tel: (505) 344-2345
Fax: (505) 344-2444
E-mail: [email protected]
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Expert Category: ACCIDENT RECONSTRUCTION - Accident Photo Analysis & Mapping

Specialties: We specialize in helping attorneys develop and support legal arguments based on spatial and other data derived from photographs and maps through scientific analyses and expert witness testimony. Historic aerial photointerpretation, photo analysis, digital mapping, geographic information systems - GIS - database compilation and analysis for Superfund, waste disposal, and other sites involved in environmental, land rights, and water rights litigation. Photo interpretation, photogrammetry, and 3-dimensional measurement and mapping from scene and evidence photographs and video for reconstruction of accident, fire, explosion, crime and other scenes in forensic cases.

Degrees/Licenses: BA, MA, PhD.

Also listed under:

ENVIRONMENTAL-Aerial Photo Analysis & Mapping

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