P.O. Box 270529
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Online Directory

Daniel P. Connaughton, EdD
P.O. Box 118208
Gainesville, FL 32611
Tel: (352) 294-1666
Fax: (352) 392-7588
E-mail: [email protected]

Expert Category: RECREATION - General

Specialties: Consultant, researcher, and expert witness in personal injury cases involving sports, recreation, physical education, aquatics, diving, bicycling, and fitness & health club activities. University professor, teach "Legal Issues in Sport & Physical Activity," and "Risk Management in Sport." Doctorate in Physical Education, MS in Recreation, MS & BS in Exercise Science. Frequent presenter and author of numerous articles and textbooks. Experienced participant, coach, administrator, & educator of many sports, fitness, recreation & aquatic activities. Certifications: ASEP Coaching Instructor, ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist, CSCS, Lifeguard Instructor, Certified Park & Recreation Professional, Pool Operator, LCI Bicycling Instructor.

Degrees/Licenses: EdD, MS, BS; EMT; Certifications: ACSM, NSCA, NRPA, ASEP, NSPF, LCI.

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