Search Instructions
Keyword Search
- Use this option to search each expert's listing and subject heading for specific keywords or phrases.
- Examples of keywords:
- A general subject ("Psychiatry," Aviation," "Medical Malpractice"...).
- A narrow specialty ("electrical fires," "air bags").
- A state or city name ("Florida," "San Diego") Note: states can also be selected by entering the standard two-letter state code followed by an ampersand ("CA&," "TX&"...).
- The name of an expert or company ("Robert Jones," "Cynthia Reed," "Applied Forensic Services"...).
- Keywords are not case sensitive.
- Keywords may be complete or partial words ("auto" or "automobile").
- Single keywords entered in one or more search boxes will retrieve all listings that contain those keyword(s) in any order. (Enter "automobile" in the first box and
"appraiser" in the second box, for example, to find both "automobile appraiser" and "appraiser of automobiles").
- Multiple keywords entered in a search box will be treated as a single "phrase." Only those listings which contain the phrase exactly as typed will be retrieved. (For
example, the phrase "automobile appraiser" would not find an "appraiser of automobiles.")
Expert Category Search
- Select this option to browse through the over 400 subject headings under which the experts in the Online Directory are listed.
- Major headings are shown in all upper case.
- Subheadings are listed below major categories in upper and lower case.
- Experts can be listed in more than one category.
- Click on any major heading or subheading for a list of all the experts listed under that heading.
Alphabetical Search
- Use this option to list experts alphabetically by name or company.
- To find an expert or company, click on the first letter of the last name or company name.
- Note: try the expert's name or company name in a Keyword Search if you cannot locate them through the Alphabetical Search.